Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ostracised / Ch. 8 /Pt. 4 / A Fine Stew


After hearing about The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Judy was determined to see the inside of my house and also spend the night there. I was not keen on the idea at all. In fact, I found it down right horrifying. I kept putting her off, making up one silly excuse after another.

In the meantime, word leaked out at school that I had become friends with Jews. And, worse yet, that I had a Jewish boyfriend. It never dawned on me that people were discussing this behind my back, or, that it have been of any interest to anyone. Yes, trouble was a brewing for me. The nuns got wind of the gossip and they were not happy. Like witches cackling around a cauldron, with their wicked faces illuminated by the fire, the nuns were stirring up a malevolent stew for me. Slowly and methodically, they stirred until it was ready to be served.

Over a short period of time, the tension in the air around me at school, grew thick. Nothing frightened me more than an angry nun. I could tell that I was receiving their stern looks. My hair rose on end when the subject of "The Jews" popped up first thing, one morning, during religion hour.
"Now class, we all understand, that Jesus was betrayed by his own people, the Jewish people." Sister Mary Carol, stated, as she folded her arms under her apron and proceeded to walk around the class. "So, what does that tell us?" Every so often, her eyes lingered upon me, as she continued.
"It tells us that they denied him! They denied that Jesus was the Son of God. Yes. They rejected him! It was the Jewish people who caused the Crucifixion of our Lord and Savior."

I looked over at Bobby Quinn and saw that he was pure red, and forlornly looking down at his desktop. Turning angry, and figuring that I had nothing much to loose, I decided to argue the topic. I raised my hand to speak but was ignored. The rebuff became so obvious, that finally, I was called upon.
"Are you saying that Jewish people are bad?" I asked rather shakily. At that point of my life, I had not been taught enough about the Roman implications, sub-plots, and deeper studies by non-catholic scholars; which brought many variances to historical applications of the Christ drama.
So, I continued with what I knew. "Possibly it isn't all true. And, my Jewish friends are not evil, they just believe differently. "They just . . . don't . . . think . . . Christ . . . is . . . God?"

Oh boy, I was going down.

Sister Mary Carol spoke. "We are not having a debate here, so this subject will conclude. Class, please, get out your math books."

Music Lover

How well I remember the nuns (one of mine was Sister Mary Theresa Ann) with their arms tucked under the aprons...I think that's where they kept their know, the ones with the holes in them so they would hurt worse when they took you out to the hallway, made you bend over and hang on to the rail running the length of the hall, then punished the bejeebers out of you.

I watched 'Religulous' the other night (along with Body Snatchers!) and Bill Mahr was's the ORGANIZED religions - especially the Christians, Catholics, and Muslims - who cause the wars and bloodshed in this world.

But your school days have given you some terrific memories to share with us, and, as usual, you have us right there in the classroom with you, feeling what you feel, and silently cheering you on! Very colorful and vivid descriptions, my friend... you definitely have a way with words.

Posted by MusicDiva on Thursday, April 22, 2010 - 8:54 PM
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Paula Servetti

That is funny. Those nuns!! About the movie Religulous, there is a book,( which you may already know of or read, the title is god is not Great written by Christopher Hitchens, a witty and most intelligent writer . . . he's written many books, essays, also writes for Vanity Fair,) that you should read. It goes into much more depth and it is similar to the move of Mahr's. Thanks Anna, (by the by, that was so cute what Miles said to you.
Posted by Paula on Thursday, April 22, 2010 - 9:54 PM
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Music Lover

Thanks, Paula...I haven't read it, but I've heard of him, and I'll check it out...I'm always interested in learning, and the older I get, the more I discover there is to learn. 'Witty and most intelligent writer'...that describes you also, and I look forward to reading your finished book after publication.

And, yup...Myles is a character, and my little buddy...I'm sure you feel the same way about your precious little ones...except, some not so little by now? They grow up so fast...

Posted by MusicDiva on Thursday, April 22, 2010 - 11:02 PM
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Wolf Witch

Once again, your courage shines through at an early age. It took great courage to challenge sexually repressed, uptight nuns who believed they were right & could not even fathom any other possibility.
Can't wait to hear what happened next, you can't leave us hanging very just can't!

Posted by wolfwitch on Monday, April 26, 2010 - 8:11 AM
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Paula Servetti

They threw me in the cauldron! Ha!! Hi Witchie. I didn't so much as challange, as, I just can't keep my mouth shut. Sometimes, most times, it is to the detriment of me.

Posted by Paula on Monday, April 26, 2010 - 11:22 AM
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Paula Servetti

My sister Loni says: Your story and the way you have written it, your descriptions totally captivates me. You make me feel as I am right there. As an avid reader, I don't think I have read anything close to your writing that has awed me, like your writings have. I can hardly wait for the book, for I don't think I will put it down until I finish it.
Posted by Paula on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - 11:47 AM
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Paula Servetti

Thanks Sis, That means a lot to me......much,

Posted by Paula on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - 11:47 AM
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