The doctor shook his head, asking. “And you say she keeps hearing voices? Hummm. I am sorry, but, I have done everything within my knowledge of medicine. I am recommending that she be seen by a psychiatrist."
"A psychiatrist!" gasped my mother. "Surely you don't mean that?"
"Yes, I feel that it is imperative." replied the sullen doctor.
In the fifties, a psychiatrist was not at all fashionable. This was a very serious matter and my mother could not bring herself to take further steps in that direction. What would people think? She felt petrified, and her nerves were raw. After months of my behavior, her reserve finally shattered.
It was about three o'clock in the morning when I began crawling in the hallway toward my mother's bedroom screeching. "Help me! Help me! I can’t see! I can’t feel! I can't hear anything!"
“I can’t take this anymore." My mother screamed. There is nothing wrong with you! Nothing! Do you hear me?"
"Buh, buh, barely!" I sobbed.....
That was it. She lost it right then and there. She began spanking me as hard as she could. "Well, can you hear this? Or, this, can you feel this? Or, how about this?” Out of control, Mom kept hitting at me, again and again.
I can recall that I didn't feel a thing, except the for the want of my mother to keep on hitting me. The shock contact was somehow keeping me connected to reality. Or, so it felt. Suddenly, my father was there, pulling my mother off of me and holding her back as she struggled to plunge at me again. Mom kept screaming. "I'm sick of this! Sick! I can't take it any more . . . she slid to the floor holding her head in her hands, her body racking with guttural sobs.
"I'm sorry, Mommy." I was crying from somewhere deep in my soul. My father silently carried my shaking body downstairs and put me on the couch away from the rest of the family; who, by this time, were watching in terror. He knew that this was far beyond just a case of cookies with marshmallows; and stayed next to me the entire night, until I finally fell to sleep.
The next morning my father made a suggestion to my mother. "What about this new young priest, Father Cherbuck? Paula is always talking about him. Maybe he could help."
My mother gave him a nasty look as if it were the stupidest suggestion of life, "What in the hell good, would that do?
“I don’t know, it was just a suggestion.” My father’s voice caught in his throat, and tears of frustration began streaming down his face.
Desperate, and unsettled by my father’s reaction, Mom, decided to follow his advice. So as it happened, a rather pleasant ultimatum fell upon me. Mom said that I needed to go and have a talk about my problem with “that priest that I liked.”
“Who, Father Cherbuck?” I asked, as my eyes bugged out.
“Yes, you can talk to him when you go to confession. It is either that or you have to go to a psychiatrist.” She said.
I really didn’t know what that all meant, but I did know that I had a mad crush on the new handsome priest. Needless to say, I was quite excited, and a lot scared. When the day came, I was thankful for the little drape over the window that separated us in the confessional booth. "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It has been one week since my last confession and these are my sins." I told him all that there was to tell.
| MusicDiva Music Lover |
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| Paula Paula Servetti |
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| Jennie |
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| Paula Paula Servetti |
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| wolfwitch Wolf Witch |
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| Paula Paula Servetti |
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| scott Kenneth s cornwall |
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| Paula Paula Servetti |
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| Paula Paula Servetti |
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