Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ostracised / Ch. 8 / Pt.1 / The Invasion of the Body Snatchers


Judy’s home was the most gorgeous home I had ever been in. Of course, I had seen plenty of beautiful homes, above Los Feliz and all about my area. Many of my school friends had large gorgeous homes, and, every time we went to the beach, Mom drove us by all the various homes of the stars, which lined Sunset Blvd., in Beverly Hills; like Jayne Mansfield’s gaudy, Pink Palace. However, I had never been inside a true mansion. So, when Judy wanted to go to my house, I was appalled at the very thought of it. True, it was famous, because it was where The Invasion of the Body Snatchers was filmed. Everyone was intrigued about it and Judy was no different. But still.

“How come you never want to go to your house? Bobby told me that The Body Snatchers was filmed there. How cool! What was that like?” Judy asked.

“Well, a guy came …” I told my story, yet again, about the day in March of 1955, when a man came knocking at our door. Typically, Hollywood, he introduced himself and asked my mother if she would let our house be used in a movie. I, always underfoot and curious, remember Mom as she sized the guy up and down. Her blond hair was pulled carelessly back into a pony tail and she was wearing turquoise Capri’s, with matching, rubber flip-flops. Her crisp white blouse was tied just high enough in front, to be startlingly provocative. As she stepped further out from under the door frame, she leaned back against the side window panel, and crossed her arms and legs.

In this formidable stance, she said, "Maybe . . .” and then looked away from the man, squinting. When she finally looked back him, she continued, “for the right price.” When it was all said and done, the man not only offered a reasonable sum, but, quickly agreed to more, when Mom had bumped him up higher.

“Also, we will see to it that your entire family is fed and housed for the duration of the filming. Excellent food, and you will all get to be with the cast and crew. There will be special trailers parked on the street, just for those purposes. We do everything just right. You will see.” The deal was struck with a handshake. At the end of it all, Mom seemed satisfied. The man on the other hand, seemed rather limp, sweaty and parched.

Music Lover

Definitely one of the best horror flicks ever, and on a shoestring budget! I swear I couldn't sleep with even a toe hanging out after that movie...I just knew there were pods under the bed! That must have been a hoot hanging around while they did the the house still there today?
Posted by MusicDiva on Monday, March 29, 2010 - 5:54 PM
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Paula Servetti

..Special thanks, Anna for the film! You are too good! xo
Posted by Paula on Monday, March 29, 2010 - 6:09 PM
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Paula Servetti

..No sadly is was torn down in 1971 by some east coast developers. Earlier in my blogs toward the beginning, maybe in The Neighborhood, it is explained. It is rather sad. The old homestead. but I am going to put up some pics this week of the house as soon as I am able so that should be fun.

Posted by Paula on Monday, March 29, 2010 - 5:58 PM
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Paula Servetti

Posted by Paula on Monday, March 29, 2010 - 5:59 PM
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Paula Servetti

Paula Posted 22 minutes ago
Hey lets see if my house is in there. wait a minute

UP ABOVE IN THE FILM: Is the starway and hall of my home, where Kevin is on the phone
And the hills where I hiked with my dad and the Griffith park Observatory, where I always went and the caves. What a trip. I haven't seen it in a while!

And that is my bedroom that he carries her from.......

Posted by Paula on Monday, March 29, 2010 - 6:05 PM
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One of my favourite films! I would have never guessed it was your house! I'm looking forward to the photos that you are posting. As a horror film aficionado myself, I give you BIG KUDOS for this installment! This is very cool.
Posted by GIOVANNI on Monday, March 29, 2010 - 9:06 PM
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Paula Servetti

..Than-you Giovanni. It is strange, how this film became such a horror classic. I am glad you enjoyed this. The next blog, after the pictures, will tell more about the making of the film . . . well, through my eyes, then.

Posted by Paula on Monday, March 29, 2010 - 9:35 PM
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Brilliant!! I cannot wait!! I may actually revisit this film later tonight!! I most likely have it here somewhere. It is a classic film indeed! And I am very much looking forward to hearing more about the making of it! Especially the "through your eyes version", no less! What better way?
Posted by GIOVANNI on Monday, March 29, 2010 - 11:33 PM
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Paula Servetti

Thanks again, Giovanni!....

Posted by Paula on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 - 4:02 PM
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Paula Servetti

La Servetti This is on my blog today.someone sent this to me of Myspace. In this you can see my stairway and hall as Kevin is on the phone...and my bedroom as he carries Dana out to safety and the hills where I hiked, and the Griffith Park Observatory parking lot

Dr Miles Bennell returns his small town practice to find several of his patients suffering the paranoid delusion that their friends or relatives are impostors. He is initially skeptical, especially when ...
March 29 at 5:46pm Only Friends · Comment · LikeUnlike · Share
Rich Briere
Rich Briere
Paula.....Tonight at Midnight I'm gonna knock on your door.....and just stand there on your porch.....knda looking like a "pod". :)
March 29 at 6:07pm ·
PauLa Servetti
PauLa Servetti
Ha! I shall scream!!!!!!!!
March 29 at 6:09pm ·
Rich Briere
Rich Briere
I shall POD!
March 29 at 6:10pm ·
Brian Deagon
Brian Deagon
I think the Body Snatchers have nabbed most of those in the US - "While you're asleep, they'll absorb your minds, your memories..."
March 29 at 8:35pm ·
Bobby Jameson
Bobby Jameson
Is that your childhood house?
March 29 at 10:37pm ·
PauLa Servetti
March 29 at 10:40pm ·
Danny 'Leaf Hound' Reddington
Danny 'Leaf Hound' Reddington
That's great Paula, to have your old home preserved on film . There are probably other different interior shots that appear in other scenes too.I would guess that almost everyone from our general age group has seen this movie at one time or another. Thanks for letting me know about this video.
March 30 at 1:04am ·
Buckminster Boppe
Buckminster Boppe
Hello Miss Paula. I have been a guest in many of the finest homes in America (and elsewhere) but I must say that this one appears to be among the creme de la creme of domiciles. Curiously, it is this staircase and the bedroom that are the very first things that come to mind when I think about this memorable film classic. Pip Pip and Tally Ho!!!
March 30 at 3:03am ·
Rich Briere
Rich Briere
Paula.........Did you sleep?..........Or did you hear "Pods" as you closed your eyes??? :
March 30 at 5:38am ·
Shaunti Negron Levick
Shaunti Negron Levick
Hey mom. Thats so cool! I hate that they torn down such an amazing historic home to put up apartments.
March 30 at 10:16am ·
PauLa Servetti
PauLa Servetti
Yes Uncle Louie decded to sell that house and the two next door, to developers from New York. Soon after, came The Symlar earth quake of 71,( which happened, as you know, the morning after you were born,) did the house in. There was quite a bit of damage. soooo. When you were just a wee baby,of 4 mos, I took you and walked around it for the last time. Very, very, sad to see it go.

Posted by Paula on Wednesday, April 07, 2010 - 12:28 PM
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Karmalade. Smear it all over your face.
Shaunti Negron Levick

Sounds like nana for sure!

Posted by Karmalade. Smear it all over your face. on Monday, April 12, 2010 - 6:57 PM
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Paula Servetti

Good, cause, you know how she was and that is exactly how it went down. So you know what I am saying/ Love me.

Posted by Paula on Monday, April 12, 2010 - 7:00 PM
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